Technology and Cyber Security Quiz Cyber Security Training If you are human, leave this field blank.Technology and Cybersecurity QuizCYBERSECURITY1. Which of the following should you do to restrict access to your files and devices?A. Update your software once a year.B. Share passwords only with colleagues you trust.C. Have your staff member access information via an open Wi-Fi network.D. Use multi-factor authentication.2. Backing up important files offline, on an external hard drive or in the cloud, will help protect your business in the event of a cyber-attack. True or False?A. TrueB. False3. Which is the best answer for which people in a business should be responsible for cybersecurity?A. Business owners. They run the business, so they need to know cybersecurity basics and put them in practice to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.B. IT specialists, because they are in the best position to know about and promote cybersecurity within a business.C. Managers, because they are responsible for making sure that staff members are following the right practices.D. All staff members should know some cybersecurity basics to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks.4. Cyber criminals only target large companies. True or False?A. TrueB. False5. Which of the following is the best answer for how to secure your router?A. Change the default name and password of the router.B. Turn off the router’s remote management.C. Log out as the administrator once the router is set up.D. All of the above.PHYSICAL SECURITY1. Promoting physical security includes protecting:A. Only paper files.B. Only paper files and any computer on which you store electronic copies of those files.C. Only paper files, flash drives, and point-of-sale devices.D. All the above plus any other device with sensitive information on it.2. Paper files that have sensitive information should be disposed of in a locked trash bin. True or False?A. TrueB. False3. When you hit the “delete” key that means a file is automatically removed from your computer. True or False?A. TrueB. False4. Which one of these statements is true?A. It’s best to use multi-factor authentication to access areas of the business network with sensitive information.B. You should use the same password for key business devices to guarantee that high-level employees can access them in an emergency.C. The best way to protect business data is to make sure no one loses any device.D. You shouldn’t limit login attempts on key business devices, because getting locked out for having too many incorrect attempts would leave you unable to access your accounts.5. Only people with access to sensitive data need to be trained on the importance of the physical security of files and equipment. True or False?A. TrueB. FalsePHISER SCAM1. Which one of these statements is correct?A. If you get an email that looks like it’s from someone you know, you can click on any links as long as you have a spam blocker and anti-virus protection.B. You can trust an email really comes from a client if it uses the client’s logo and contains at least one fact about the client that you know to be true.C. If you get a message from a colleague who needs your network password, you should never give it out unless the colleague says it’s an emergency.D. If you get an email from Human Resources asking you to provide personal information right away, you should check it out first to make sure they are who they say are.2. An email from your boss asks for the name, addresses, and credit card information of the company’s top clients. The email says it’s urgent and to please reply right away. You should reply right away. True or False?A. TrueB. False3. You get a text message from a vendor who asks you to click on a link to renew your password so that you can log in to its website. You should:A. Reply to the text to confirm that you really need to renew your password.B. Pick up the phone and call the vendor, using a phone number you know to be correct, to confirm that the request is real.C. Click on the link. If it takes you to the vendor’s website, then you’ll know it’s not a scam.4. Email authentication can help protect against phishing attacks. True or False?A. TrueB. False5. If you fall for a phishing scam, what should you do to limit the damage?A. Delete the phishing email.B. Unplug the computer. This will get rid of any malware.C. Change any compromised passwords.Student InformationNameEmailreCAPTCHA is required.Submit